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At St. John the Apostle Parish, we are very blessed to have many wonderful and dedicated volunteers who lend their time and talents to a number of ministries and groups.   All ministries and groups welcome new members. Click on the ministries below to learn more.  

Who We Are

The Catholic Women's League of Canada, for God and Canada, is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God. Our patroness is the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of "Our Lady of Good Counsel". We were organized nationally in 1920. We number nearly 100,000 members across Canada. The St. John the Apostle Parish CWL Council received its charter in 1981. A deep spirituality provides a basis for league work. We are dedicated to the preservation of Christian family life, the sanctity of life as well as many other social issues.

Any woman 16 years of age or older is eligible to join the Catholic Women's League of Canada.


What We Do

We support and are involved in, activities within the parish, the diocese, the province and Canada, as part of our national organization. At the parish level, our members are active in numerous ways. We care for the altar linens, and are active in pastoral care and outreach to the poor. Members serve as lectors and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, are active in the RCIA team, children's catechesis and sing in parish music ministry.

You will see us busy in the parish with fund-raising activities that are used to support special activities and projects within the parish as well as outside groups. We try to place our support where government dollars are usually absent as we attempt to live out our adherence to the Gospel of Life.

There are opportunities within the CWL to learn and develop leadership gifts.


When and Where Do We Meet?

We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Small Assembly Room.  Please join us.


Why We Exist

To achieve individual and collective spiritual development, promote the teachings of the Catholic church, exemplify the Christian ideal in home and family life, protect the sanctity of human life, enhance the role of women in church and society, recognize the human dignity of all people everywhere, to uphold and defend Christian education and values in the modern world and contribute to the understanding and growth of religious freedom, social justice, peace and harmony.

If you feel called to this ministry, or would like more information, please contact ministry chair. Contact information is on the cover of our bulletin.




Who We Are

Adult leaders who preside at the Liturgy of the Word for children in a space of their own.  Adult leaders and assistants are always in demand.


What We Do

The children are invited to participate in the Liturgy of the Word better suited to young children. The Liturgy follows a similar structure to what is being done in the main assembly. Number and size of readings are reduced although the Gospel is always read.

The Homily moment is a discussion to enable the children to understand the words of Jesus and make them relevant to their lives. The children pray the Prayer of the Faithful in simple language and are invited to add their own intentions. The Creed is recited and then they join the main assembly before the Eucharistic Prayer.


When and Where Do We Meet?

10:30 am Sunday Mass in the Small Assembly Room.


Why We Exist

Children's Liturgy exists to lead the children between ages 4 to 11 through the Liturgy in a language that they understand and encourage them in their walk of faith. This opportunity for the children to join together helps them better understand the day's gospel and gives them an opportunity to question what is heard and makes their experience at church more fulfilling and manageable, especially for the young and wiggly ones.

If you feel called to this ministry, or would like more information, please contact the ministry leader.  Contact information is on the cover of our bulletin.

Children's Liturgy
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion


Who We Are

We are lay persons who have chosen to serve the people of God by assisting the clergy in sharing the Body and Blood of Christ with fellow worshippers.


What We Do

We help in the distribution of the consecrated bread and wine to the parishioners during Communion.

Training will be given by the parish priests or deacons. After each mass, we clean the vessels in the Sacristy and prepare them for the next Mass.


Why We Exist

The Second Vatican Council introduced the distribution of Communion by lay persons as a means of assisting the ordained clergy. This is necessary when the assemblies are large, in parishes where ministers are in poor health or advanced years or where there are other pastoral demands.


If you feel called to this ministry, or would like more information, please contact the Parish Office.


Finance Council
Who We Are

The Finance Council comprises parishioners who are invited by the Pastor to participate in the administration of the temporal affairs of the Parish. Members of the Council serve for terms of three years.


What We Do

Those who serve on Finance Council attend to the temporal affairs of the parish; establish administrative guidelines of the parish; prepare the annual financial report to be submitted to the diocesan administration; prepare and approve the annual budget and publish the latter at the same time as the annual financial report; and designate one of their members to sit on the Parish Pastoral Council.


When and Where Do We Meet?

The Finance Council meets once a month over the period from September to June. Meetings are usually held in the Board Room in the Administration Building.


Why We Exist

To assist the pastor in the administration of the temporal goods of the parish in accordance with the applicable regulations, as set out by the Archdiocese of Ottawa.

If you feel called to this ministry, or would like more information, please contact he Council Chairperson.  Contact information is on the cover of our bulletin.

Funeral Liturgy Team




Who We Are

We are a group of parishioners who offer hospitality and assistance to those who have requested a funeral at

St. John the Apostle for a loved one.


Why do we exist?

The role of this Ministry is to assist the family of the deceased in their planning of the funeral liturgy. The family chooses the readings and hymns and identifies family members and friends who are to participate as readers, gift bearers and pallbearers. A leaflet is produced which documents the order of service, including these choices.


What do we do?

A Funeral Liturgy team, normally two people, meets with the family to discuss these "aspects". That team is responsible for contacting musicians, preparing and printing the leaflet, and assisting at the liturgy.

Parishioners can contact the Funeral Liturgy Ministry if they would like information on the liturgy, including the selection of readings and hymns.


When and where we meet

We meet to plan funerals on an 'as needed' basis.  We rotate with team members that are available at any given time.

Knights of Columbus



Who We Are

The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic men's fraternal organization in the world with 1.9 million members. Last year, worldwide, our members devoted 68 million hours of volunteer service. As well, over the past decade, our organization made $1.5 Billion in charitable contributions. Grounded in our Catholic spirituality, our foundation is built on four pillars, namely, charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. All men over the age of 18 are invited to become a Knight of Columbus.


What We Do

We are a people of life and are committed to the "Culture of Life". Our activities are focused on pro-life, the family, the elderly, the disabled, Catholic education, the community and vocations to name a few.

We are dedicated to the service of our Holy Father Pope Francis and through him our Archbishop,  and our Pastor. We work closely with our Pastor to ensure that we are fully aware of the pastoral goals for the parish. In many cases, our council works to support other parish ministries in assisting them in carrying out their projects. On other occasions, we take the lead in developing our own programs. We strive to be interwoven into the very fabric of our parish life.


When and Where Do We Meet?

Our council meets in the Church Small Assembly Room on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM.  Meetings are typically less than two hours long. Although we work within a prescribed framework, it is a lighthearted group always keeping the pillars in sight.


Why We Exist

To support the Church and sponsor programs of evangelization, Catholic education, civic involvement and aid to those in need.   Being a Knight is about helping others and enjoying the company of brother Knights and their families.  The most important benefit is the sense of accomplishment and personal satisfaction one receives when one makes a positive difference in the lives of others, whether it is in the Parish, the community, individually or to families.  If you feel called to this ministry, or would like more information, please contact Grand Knight. Contact information is on the cover of our weekly bulletin.





Who We Are

Lectors are fully initiated, practicing Catholics whose lives witness to the Word which they proclaim. Proclaiming the Word of God has always been a fundamental part of Christian liturgy. The earliest Christians, firmly rooted in the traditions of the Jewish temple, incorporated the stories of God`s mighty and saving deeds into their own worship rituals. They knew, as we do today, that God`s word is powerful and active, achieving the end for which (God) 'sent it` (Is 55.11). God`s word continues to reach the ears of the weary through the voice of the lector for "when the Scriptures are read in church, God himself is speaking to his people" (GIRM 29).


What We Do

"The Lord has given me a well-trained tongue that I may speak to the weary a word that will rouse them" (Is. 50.4).

The Word of God is not merely read during the liturgy; it is proclaimed. Effective proclamation involves the delivery of the message with clarity, appropriate pace, and passion. Proclamation is a special ministry which presupposes faith and also rouses faith in those who hear the Word proclaimed.

Since "by tradition, the function of proclaiming the readings is ministerial, not presidential" (GIRM 59); it properly belongs to ministers other than the presiding priest. This includes deacons and lay people who "should be truly suited to perform this function and should receive careful preparation" (GIRM 101).

"The Liturgy of the Word is to be celebrated in such a way as to promote meditation, and so any sort of haste that hinders recollection must clearly be avoided" (GIRM 56). The Lector leads the significant period of silence after each reading (GIRM 45) (Editorial Notes to Revised Lectionary, p. 14).


When and Where Do We Meet?

There are two lectors who proclaim at each Mass.  The rotating schedule for Saturday and Sunday lectors results in an individual proclaiming every four to six weeks, depending on the Mass.

New lectors will be offered a training session prior to being added to the schedule.


Why We Exist

Ministers of the word exist to proclaim the Word of God which is truly a ministry in the Church. Lectors bring the living Word of God to the liturgical assembly. In and through them God speaks to the gathered faithful. The ministry of the Word, therefore, is treated seriously and with great dignity.

Reminder: This ministry requires an ongoing commitment to study and to pray with the word of God.

If you feel called to this ministry, or would like more information; please contact the Ministry leader.  Contact information is on the cover of our bulletin.

Music Ministry




Who We Are

We are parishioners from all walks of life and backgrounds, who have been given a gift of music and willing to share that gift with the assembly of God in leadership of song in worship.


What We Do

We support the song of the assembly at Sunday Liturgies and assist with special Liturgies.


When and Where Do We Meet?

The 10:30am choir rehearsals usually take place every second week on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 pm in the church. Depending on the needs of the Liturgical seasons, additional weekly practices may be added.

Music ministry at 8:00 am Sunday morning is led by a leader of song.

The 5:00 pm Saturday Mass is led by a leader of song.


Why We Exist

Singing is an essential and integral part of any liturgical celebration, and the worshipping assembly is the primary singer. As music ministers, we provide leadership to the primary singer. The Revised General Instruction of the Roman Missal states: "It is for the choir to ensure that the parts proper to it … are properly carried out and to encourage the active participation of the faithful in the singing. (no. 103)

Through our leadership and example, we strive to foster and educate our parish community in the communal aspects of our liturgical practices.

We welcome musicians and singers of all backgrounds to join us. If you feel called to this ministry, or would like more information, please contact one of our music leaders.  Contact information is on the cover of our bulletin.




Who We Are


"The parish council is an institution that brings together lay people and religious who, together with their pastors, work jointly to build the parish as a living Christian Community.  Thus the pastoral council members care about parish life in other communities of the diocese, share in the concerns of the Church universal and strive to bring the Gospel message to all people and places in their nighbourhood." (The Parish Pastoral Council, Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1984).


The PPC consists of elected lay members and the Pastor. The lay members of the PPC are all registered parishioners of St. John the Apostle (SJA) who are at least 18 years of age and in good standing with the Church.


What We Do

  • Create, inspire, and promote participation by the religious and laity in pastoral activity that will encourage the Parish to achieve its mission.

  • Assist the pastor in the administration of the Parish.

  • Serve as a medium whereby members of the Parish may make known their views on both spiritual and temporal matters affecting the Parish.

  • Build a caring, Christian community.

  • Act as the representative of all members of the Parish community.

  • Discern the spiritual and temporal needs of the Parish community and to organize and plan the structures required to fulfill those needs.

  • Proclaim the Gospel and be missionary disciples.

  • Work with other churches and organizations in our neighbourhood and in the community at large, and to spread the Good News.


When and Where Do We Meet?

The Parish Pastoral Council meets every second month from September to June with additional meetings called occasionally, as needed.


Why We Exist

The SJA Parish is a community of Christian believers who seek, through the Holy Spirit, to know and implement God's will. The PPC is a group within this community that takes the leading role in heeding the call to follow Christ.

Together we work to build the Parish as a living Christian community by supporting the goals of our Parish, representing the views and opinions of parishioners and supplying advice on issues pertaining to the future of our Parish.

If you feel called to join the PPC, or would like more information, please contact the Pastor at or call the office at 613-829-1760.

Pastoral Care Team



Who We Are
Pastoral Care Team members are commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who have a friendly attitude, empathy and patience, are interested in helping others and are comfortable communicating with the sick. All members have completed a 10-week Pastoral Care Training Program and are commissioned by the Pastor. The mandatory procedures for responsible and high risk ministry are followed. Confidentiality is of paramount importance and practiced by all team members.
Why We Exist

Pastoral Care is a program of presence. We visit and bring church to those unable to attend, such as the elderly, the disabled, the dying or those experiencing depression or crisis or are bereaved.


What We Do

Under the Pastoral Care Ministry, Extraordinary Ministers visit local hospitals, private homes and long-term care facilities and retirement homes within the parish boundary to bring Holy Communion and fellowship to parishioners who are unable to attend Mass because they are homebound. The members go out in pairs (to homes) or in groups (to institutions). Each visit includes a time of prayer and/or friendly visiting, as time permits. Liturgy of The Word or Mass is celebrated regularly in the Retirement Homes or Long-Term Care Home in the parish. There is also a bereavement support team in our parish who meet monthly in a semi-social setting.

When and Where Do We Meet?

We meet regularly as a team with our Pastor. As well, we attend on-going education and workshops on Pastoral Care in the diocese.  In addition, non denominational workshops in Pastoral Care are available to the team which we are encouraged to attend.

If you would like more information concerning the Ministry please contact the Parish Office 613-829-1760 or email



Pro-life Ministry



Who We Are

We are a group of your fellow parishioners who have taken to heart Pope John Paul II's prayer, "Grant that all who believe in your Son may proclaim the Gospel of life with honesty and love to the people of our time." We believe in the sacredness of every human life from the moment of conception to natural death and that Jesus' commandment to "love one another as I have loved you" applies also to the unborn, the handicapped, the aged and the dying.


What We Do?

As part of the diocesan Eucharistic Crusade for Life, we offer one mass per month for an end to abortion and the protection of all human life from the moment of conception until natural death. In our parish it is celebrated on the First Saturday of every month. A Pro-Life Rosary precedes the Mass. We promote and/or organize fund raisers (at parish level) for the three branches of the pro-life movement:

  • Educational – Hike for Life raises funds for Action Life our Ottawa Pro-Life Resource Centre, supplier of pro-life videos, pamphlets, books, posters, guest speakers etc.

  • Service – With the donations received in our monthly envelopes, we also support Palliative Care, Crisis Pregnancy centers that receive no government funding and our parish pro-life activities.

  • Political – Pennies for Life raises funds for Campaign Life Coalition, our pro-life activists who lobby Parliament for a law to protect all human life from conception until natural death.

We participate and encourage other parishioners to join in the annual March for Life and Life Chain which are peaceful witnesses protesting against the 3 million babies killed by abortion since abortion was decriminalized.

We distribute pro-life educational materials in the parish and organize letter-writing campaigns on sanctity of life issues.

We organize the annual archdiocesan-wide Pro-Life Sunday celebration in our parish. This includes arranging for guest speakers, distribution of literature, arranging for special music, Children's Word Liturgy etc.


When and Where We Meet?

We meet in the Parish Board room at 9:45 am following the morning Mass on the second Fridays of September, November, February, March, April and June.


Why We Exist?

In light of the lack of respect for human life in today's society, our ministry is called to promote the sanctity of ALL human life. We bring our Catholic church's teachings on the critical life issues of abortion, embryonic stem cell research vs. ethical adult stem cell research, euthanasia and assisted suicide. We are a resource of educational information on life issues.





Who We Are

Dedicated parishioners that make sure that items used for the celebrations of Mass and Sacraments are clean and in good repair.


What We Do

Sacristans are required to wash, iron and fold linens used at Mass; make sure candles and vessels are in operational condition and make sure that the Sacristy and altar area is clean and tidy.


When and Where Do We Meet?

We serve on a regular basis when the need presents itself. Our duties can be divided so as to reduce the frequency of service for any one person.


Why We Exist

We exist to ensure the environment of our sacred celebrations is a worthy one.

This ministry is in need of members. If you feel called to this ministry, or would like more information; please call the Parish Office: 613-829-1760 or e-mail:

Social Outreach



Who We Are?

As a frontline ministry, Ushering provides the first welcome to parishioners, visitors and guests alike, providing a climate of warmth and community among those gathering for worship. Ushers create that important first impression of the character and spirit of the Parish.


What We Do

Every usher is a host, acting on behalf of the parish community – welcoming attendees; answering varied questions; assisting with seating when required; directing movement; distributing and collecting materials for special events and of course, gathering and depositing to safe keeping, the Offerings.  Ushers are charged with ensuring a safe and healthy environment and need to be ready at all times to respond appropriately when there is a disturbance, illness, or other situation requiring special attention.


When and Where We Meet

Ushers typically arrive far earlier than the rest of the congregation in order to ready the church for the celebration and are one of the last to leave, after first ensuring everything in the Church is tidy and either ready for the next mass or left secure.

Ushering at St John the Apostle is somewhat of an informal ministry without scheduled meetings or training sessions. Anyone interested in joining the ushering ministry are asked to present themselves to the lead usher at any mass, or to contact the chief usher.


Why We Exist

What would any mass or important church event be without ushers!  The ministry of Ushering is a vital role and perhaps one of the most essential within the parish community.  Ushers represent the church in a very visible way, and help set the tone in preparation for the worship service, as well as assist with the smooth operation within the service. Ushers are truly ambassadors of the parish community, respecting parish traditions and promoting friendship, respect and co-operation.


How to Become an Usher

Anyone in the parish can volunteer their time to assist the ushering team on either an occasional, seasonal, back-up or regular weekly basis and for as long or short as you wish - the choice is yours!  Becoming an usher is as simple as presenting yourself to the Lead usher at your Mass or simply phoning or emailing the Head Usher identified on the front of each week's Parish Bulletin.

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